Iceland, the creative island
From Hollywood productions to the avant-garde, Iceland punches above its weight when it comes to cultural influence.
Original green solutions of global relevance
Set on preserving the island's abundant natural resources for future generations, environmental sustainability has historically been central to Iceland’s economy
Building a top of mind country brand
Iceland’s excellent reputation often precedes itself. That’s due in no small part to Business Iceland, the public-private entity in charge of bundling the country’s core offering into recognizable brands for specific audiences.
Nurturing Icelandic ingenuity
Economic travails of the past have taught Iceland a valuable lesson: to have a solid economy you need to foster innovation across a wide range of sectors.
University’s research-driven innovation boosts Icelandic business
Under the leadership of Jón Atli Benediktsson, the largest University in Iceland continues to be a major driver behind some of the country’s most innovative and successful ideas.
Content produced by The Business Report. The Foreign Policy editorial team had no role in the creation of this content.